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Rights of publicity

AlphaT respects the rights of publicity and privacy in accordance with Article 9 of the French Civil Code. Pictures published on our website depict our recent events, allowing us to display the image of individuals taking part in these events. However, if you appear in one of these pictures and oppose its public availability, you can contact us at We will immediately remove the corresponding picture.


Laser Quest #1

February 21, 2017

Discover the picture of our first sportive activity meeting of 2017 over here. Five teams of a dozen players each fought bravely in a fearless battle at LaserQuest in Balma !

CBI PhD Integration Day

October 06, 2016

CBI PhD program 1st year students integration day at Tépacap in Rieumes.

Following a scientific presentations in the morning and a lunch, 1st year PhD students could demonstrate their audacity amongst the trees. It was during that day that the PhD program organizing committee suggested that students revive the AlphaT assocation. A challenge that we accepted !

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